Bishops, Priests, State Members, and Ladies
Not a lot is known about Saint Bartholomew, whose Feast Day is August 24th. He died for the sake of the faith, he was brought to the Savior by St.
Philip, and he was called a true Israelite by Jesus. There is no duplicity in him.
My wish is that Jesus may say that there is no duplicity in you or me as well. How will that come about in our lives? We should choose to focus on the narrow road that leads to Christ Jesus only. This last month, I heard a Deacon ask the question, “Do you want to get to Heaven?” He asked his listeners to raise their hand if that was their wish? He then asked, “So if you go to church every Sunday and if you go to confession twice a year and overall are a good person, will you get to Heaven? Raise your hand again.” Most raised their hand. The Deacon replied, “No, that is not the case. That is heresy.” Then he encouraged people to come and find out the truth about how to get to Heaven.
I was sad that I was traveling and could not go to the Deacon’s three-night retreat. It sounded so good and would have been beneficial to hear again.
The answer to the question asked by the Deacon can be found in Luke 13:22-30.
Will only a few people be saved? Jesus did not answer them directly because the truth might have been to much for them. He said, “Stive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.
Jesus in the Narrow Gate, we must let him into our hearts and do his will, that is the truth, we must look to his life in living our own. That is what is so great about the Knights of Columbus and the work that you do each day, week, and month within your councils, and that is why we must invite the next Generation to the mission Blessed Fr. McGivney started.
A great way to engage your parish family is to invite them to join a Benefits Night with us either virtually or in person when available. Engagement allows them to learn more of the great works we do as an order as well as the benefits available to the family through our highest rated insurance products. Our next event is September 15th and a second one on the 28th as well. Please get it in your bulletin and in your newsletters.
Vivat Jesus,
Tim Nowak, GA