Two were bound for Emmaus
by Bob Hurd
Two were bound for Emmaus, disheartened and lost; all hope for the future had been nailed to the cross, love unknown then walked beside them, come back from the dead, and they knew he was risen in the breaking of the bread.
On, the sea of Tiberius, when the night was nearly gone and their toil seemed so useless, not one fish had they caught, from the shore the stranger called to them: “Cast your net, friends, once more.” And they filled it to bursting, but the net was not torn.
Then they knew it was Jesus and they had hastened into the shore, bread, and fish for their breakfast from the hands of their Lord. “O Peter, if you love me you must care for my sheep; if you follow your Shepherd, then a Shepherd you'll be.”
When the road makes us weary, when our labor seems but loss, when the fire of faith weakens and too high seems the cost, let the church turned to its risen Lord, who for us bore the cross, and we'll find our hearts burning at the sound of his voice.
I would imagine some of you have heard this song before, however Judy and I had not. It was great to hear it sung the week
after Divine Mercy Sunday. As I kept the lyrics and wanted to share them this month. The great thing about what we do as Knights of Columbus is provide hope for the Future, and hope in humanity as well as in our brothers in the order.
Sometimes we seem to think that our efforts are toiling uselessly, I can assure you that we do so much good for the membership, the church, and the state that we just need to keep casting our nets.
So if we follow the Shepard we can become shepherds, I have heard many times young people are not interested in our order, but I don’t believe that, I believe people are hungry for new ways to be dynamic Catholics and we should show them the way. If we each just mentor one young Man with a young family we can build the New Evangelization that St. John Paul II talked about when he point to our lay organization and said this group of Faith filled Brothers will bring about the change needed in the church. So, become a Shepard to someone today.
The cost of keeping the Flame alive in our faith is everything. We are called like Father Larry Richards says to die to ourselves in the service of others. We are to live as to be nail to the Cross with Jesus so when we hear his voice our Hearts will be burning to share our love of him and of our beloved order.
I know we have some strong councils and really good Leadership in this State, we just need more men to hear our call of brotherhood, so we can rebuild where we need to rebuild and place our trust in you Jesus for our future.
Vivat Jesus, Tim Nowak