Bishops, Priest & Deacons, State Families and Membership,
My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, greetings and blessings,
Happy fall, what a beautiful time of year in Wisconsin and the UP.

I am writing you today on the feast day of St. Luke, he was such a great writer and the only gospel writer to include the following stories.
- The Annunciation
- Adoring angels and Christ birth in Bethlehem
- Angels announcing his birth to shepherds.
- Angel proclaims to you the good news of great joy that will be for all people
- The circumcision of the Lord
- Presentation
- Visitation
- Mary’s Magnificat
As I think about these writings two things come to mind, Luke believed in Angels, and he also had a very close relationship with Mary the mother of God. Luke alone would suffice to enlighten the whole world with the light of faith and Christian doctrine, which is true wisdom and profound theology. Luke was born into this world to be a light for all the world. He also shines among the most splendid and brilliant stars in heaven. (says saint Lawrence of Brindisi)
I have a question of each of us, do we believe in Angels? Do we have a close relationship with Mary?
If not, why? And if yes, do we ask of the Angels and our Lord’s Mother to help us in our mission of evangelism? Do we share our journey with others to help them find what we have? The Knights should not be a secret part of your life, it should be a shining beacon of your presence to those with whom you break bread, and those you adore our Lord with. Our mission is to grow the order through evangelism.
My Priest asked the question today, (Luke 10-1-9) Our Lord speaks of the abundant harvest, if our Lord came back today would the harvest really be abundant? There was a long pause. “…or would our Lord be disappointed with the harvest his is reaping?” My Priest spoke about the less than abundant harvest and said it might be because we don’t preach the Gospel. He also stated, “We are told to give a homily, even on Sunday, of 5 minutes or less.” To which I thought you know how many times people have told me to keep it short? I understood what my priest was saying, Luke added these amazing parts to his gospel to provide us a clearer view of who Jesus and his mother are, and the significance of Angels. Evangelize why you’re a Knight while you are still here. Tell people how the Knights bought you closer to Mary.
Vivat Jesus, Tim Nowak, General Agent