My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, greetings and blessings,
O Almighty and Eternal God! Prostate before thy Divine Majesty, I adore Thee will all possible reverence. I believe and hold for certain all Thou hast revealed to Thy holy Church. I hope in Thy infinite goodness and mercy, and I love Thee with all my heart.
O Great and Almighty God! I kneel before Thee to thank Thee with my whole heart for all the favors which Thou has bestowed upon me this day. For my food and drink, my health and all my powers of body and soul. I thank Thee for all Thy holy lights and inspirations, for Thy care and protection, and for all those other mercies which I do not now recall, or which I do not know how to value as I ought. I thank Thee for them all, O heavenly Father. Though Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord. Amen
I wanted to start my letter with a pray for graces for all of us that we may or may not recognize in the busyness of our daily lives.
Goodness and Progressive do not mean the same thing and I share a thought with you today. I am really trying to share a thought about how to have a conversation with the other side. If goodness comes from wanting the good for the other, then we can all agree that we want that for ourselves, our neighbors and even those who oppose us. Progressive movements are not all bad but, become bad when they exclude God and reverence to his Divine Majesty. We must gently point that out to those who oppose conservative ideas that may appear to them as old fashioned or too religiously zealous. We know that the world will always be changing but if that change comes at the expense of the Great God, we have to explain that it is not change that will benefit the person and their future. We must point that out. (Mt 11:25 Father, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed them unto your children.) We should not be surprised when we don’t agree. However, “They shall know we are Christians by our Love” must come into view front and center. We do this as members of Blessed McGivney’s Knights though Charity and that must begin with you and at home. Protect what is important to you by love, not by a force of will. Stand up for what is right, just and good. Lead your community, your family and your councils toward infinite goodness. God’s mercy will be all the greater because of you.
Vivat Jesus,
Tim Nowak, General Agent