Submission for the GA for November, Tim Nowak
Worthy State Family, Worthy Members, and Faithful Fathers,
We would like to thank you for your efforts in getting back to doing all the great programing and events in the state to bring Charity forward, front and center.
This monthly newsletter is pretty short, I just want to remind everyone to get as many councils as possible set up to do a watch party for the Virtual Event which is statewide on November 9th at 7:00pm. We will have a nationally known speaker from here in the state of Wisconsin, Van Mueller with us to discuss the benefits of the products and services the Knights of Columbus offer as well as the great news of why doing business with the Knights is good for your family.
You’re Invited to a Virtual Webinar
with Industry Leader Van Mueller
November 9th, 2021 - 7:00 PM CST
Financial Success Under Any Circumstance
You're invited to join our webinar where Van will ask some wonderful compelling questions that will help you clarify how to have financial and retirement success. Here are a few examples.
1) How can you maximize your social security?
2) Do you prefer to build a legacy for your family and business or the Internal Revenue Service?
3) If there were a way to reduce or eliminate the income tax liability on your IRA or 401K, when would you want to know about it? Before or after they charge the tax?
4) Can you build a wonderful retirement income if interest rates remain at zero and the stock market offers zero return for a decade?
Please Use the Link Below to Sign Up Today!
Vivat Jesus,
Tim Nowak