Happy New Year, to the entire State Families and to our Bishops, Priests, Deacons and Brother Knights. What a shame that we didn’t get to see you
more in 2021, with restrictions and limitations the year certainly didn’t turn out exactly as we had it planned.
I would first like to thank WSD, Corey and Lindsey and again say, Congratulations on your tying the Knot and starting a life together, and blessing for servicing us at the same time WOW! Then, to the rest of leadership what a great job you did this year in guiding the Order here in Wisconsin. Thank you so much, and I understand more now than ever the strain it takes at times to carry on in these historic times.
As I read something this month about Saint Joseph how his life changed once he met Mary, and how his quite life changed into just following the guidance of the Angels and trusting God’s plan for his life. I am sure when he woke up and told Mary “we’re going to Egypt” the trust in God had to be at the foremost on their minds. I have been talking with lots of members and members wives in the last four or five months with the loss of loved ones and Covid related deaths. I have seen more people tell me of an unexpected passing than ever before. I tell them to trust in God and accept the Lord’s timing, which is not easy and not what we expect. So, to turn to this upcoming year, what does the road ahead look like for you and your family, have you told them you loved them and have shown them the same, I hope so. As for New year resolutions plan on family time, and plan on doing things with your councils to make your community stronger and your parishes more cohesive. I read a lot of books and I know some parishes gave out “Life is Messy” by Matthew Kelly this year. Reading a book can help us grow in Holiness, but sitting in adoration can do more, saying our bedtime prayers may help us sleep but Praying the Rosary will help us more. Going to Sunday Mass will help us focus our week but going to daily mass and received the Eucharist every day, or as often as possible, can do more! My local Priest talks about one more thing going to confession every Month will allow you do more with the year ahead of us. It will make us a more charitable people, not just with those at home but those we seem to disagree with or like the least.
My hope for all of us this year is that we find the time to do all four, Read good books, Pray the Rosary more, Go to confessions and Receive the Eucharist as often as possible. I have asked the Men that work for the Knights of Columbus Insurance to center their lives around the Eucharist and become the change in the world they want to see. So that’s the new year resolution for me to find more Men who need to bring their families into the Knights of Columbus and share our story, of Charity, Unity, and fraternity ultimately rooted in the heart of Christ. +
Vivat Jesus!