Dear, Bishops, Priests, State Family and Brothers,
I am glad to say that it feels like the weather is starting to become more of what each of us can tolerate.
This month I wanted to talk about the Gospel according to Mark 9:41-50. As I went to mass with the Priest this last week, he spoke about “keeping salt in us”. This does not sound like something that his doctor would be too excited about hearing, would it? He joked about his salt levels and how his doctor had been warning him to cut back the sodium in his diet. In the reading it says we “everyone will be salted with fire”. Now at face value that seems okay. But Jesus also says that if “salt loses its taste what good it is”? So, if we are the Salt of the world, and if fire is the true salt, then fire is our seasoning. I hope I didn’t lose you there, then it would stand to reason that our Fire comes from the Holy Spirit. If that is true then how do we get it, keep it, and renew it? Glad you asked. It is in the 40 days of Lent, that we can find what is lost, or we can restoke the flame that might have grown dim. I suggest that through Charity (alms giving), fasting, prayer and penance, we can reclaim the level of salt in which Mark’s Gospel speaks of.
The Knights of Columbus provides us an avenue for doing those activities with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Look for ways to do something that has never been done in you Church, your city, or your council with the thought of bringing up the salt level there. Bring the Holy Spirit’s Flame reignited to prepare for that Easter candle in our hearts this year. I am glad to be with you on this journey and look forward to spending time with all of you discussing the new ways we are lighting that flame in Wisconsin and the UP of Michigan this year.
If you discuss this reading with your doctor, tell him that I just recommended only a little salt not a lot😊
God Bless your Lenten Journey,
Tim Nowak, GA