Bishops, Priests, State and Membership,
It was truly great seeing so many people at the state convention. People who are excited about the Knights of Columbus and
our mission of action for Charity, Unity, and Fraternity. I appreciate all the kind words and support across the states for us as Insurance Field agents and General Agents. We work hard to bring you the best of what the Knights have to offer every single day, yet we reach not nearly enough of our membership each year. Bringing us together is my focus. Along with bringing new agents on board to serve you even better in the future. Thank you again for all you do and your much appreciated support.
Last Friday, in my Morning Prayers I came across a Saint I wanted to share with you. It is Saint Cyril of Alexandria, he is a doctor of the church, and an “Invincible Champion of the Divine Motherhood of the most Blessed Virgin Mary.” He was also hailed as the “Guardian of Exactitude”. He made it his duty to preserve and pass on the faith and he never strayed from the teaching of the Fathers. While some may know a little about St. Cyril, I was struck myself by his leadership in two areas, one being that “we will profess only one Christ and Lord” and the other was his writings and teachings, which striving to bring about clarity and unity of doctrine at a time of division in our church. With each account I read I was glad that he was a lover of Mother Mary and believed in teaching the traditional teachings. He was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Leo XIII in 1882. I can imagine our Founder reading about him and picking Unity as one of our pillars being influenced by this saint. This influence, most likely, influenced Fr. McGivney picking Mary as our patron of the Knights of Columbus as well. We are, at this time, encouraged to unite the church around the Eucharistic true presence of Christ in our churches while also bringing others to know and serve the Lord in our time. One of our Bishops spoke at the convention this month saying, “we were born for this time, and we are Knights of this time”. I believe he was speaking of our time to be the Church’s voice by our actions of Unity and Charity that will be remembered throughout history for the good we displayed in the world. We all need to mentor new men and their families into the order, and we don’t have to do it alone. We have a great Mother Mary and great Saints to inspire us along the way and wonderful Bishops to lead us as well. Go forth and make disciples. This is our mission. It is our call to action.
Vivat Jesus,
Tim Nowak

PS, Last chance Fraternal Benefits Knight is planned June 14th, 6:30 PM CDT:
Look forward to hearing what you think of Ed Slott’s presentation