Bishops, Priests, State, and membership Families,
Near the end of his own life, Saint Thomas famously spoke of his stupendous oeuvre as “all straw.”
So, what does stupendous oeuvre means- works of his life?
When asked by Christ in a vision what he would have for a reward for his decades of labor, he replied simply, “Non nisi te.” (Nothing but Thee)
Why am I writing to you today? I must discuss, inevitably, 5 decades of Roe vs Wade. We need to make sure as members of the Knights of Columbus that we focus on Nothing but Thee, that Christ is the most important outcome of this ruling. We must try to find a way to be Christ to those who now feel or are struggling with this new outcome. Reason will not work, but love will bring Christ’s mercy to bear the fruits of God’s love and mercy.
When, at the State Convention, Father Mullen’s talked about his Adoption Initiative (Which you can find at He stated clearly that we have to be ready, willing and able to support those new mothers needing support and aid and clarity. His initiative is to help with expense and guidance and a whole lot more. I encourage you as a Knight to get your council involved in this initiative and call your brothers to action for the greater good of adding adoptive children into your own homes. I look for big things to come from this work of mercy.
Last week the Supreme Knight announced a $5 million campaign to support new mothers and their children, ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy) increasing support for pregnancy resource centers in our communities. You can support this effort by making a donation today.
So why are you writing of such things when your topic of the day is Fraternal Benefits with the Knights of Columbus? I would answer it is all straw, for if we don’t reach out to those hurting, then they will be left without Thee, and personally I think that is how we got here in the first place.
Non nisi te
Vivat Jesus